I once read a somewhere, "Anyone can be taught how to write a screenplay". At first, I was pissed. I mean, come on. That's crap. After I threw the book in the trash, took a hot shower and drank a cold Bass, I realized. They were right.
On September 10, 1993 a film directed by Tony Scott and Penned by Quentin Tarantino debuted. Although it starred a plethora of great actors, it only grossed 12 million. I was blown away by this flick. Yes, I've seen a lot of great movies before this one came out. But, this one... There was something about it that tickled my creativity.
I started a debate among friends on just how good this movie was. Most just called me crazy. While we were debating and doing what Brad Pitt did best on the screen, a man I've only met a few times before tapped my brain. "You should read the script," he said. So, I set forth on a journey to find a way to get my eyes on this script thing. Two weeks and $15 later, I was hooked. Needless to say... I am a procrastinator.
I started my first screenplay two years later. And finished one three years after that. A friend read it and told me it was awesome. I read it and thought it was crap. A good chunk of my paycheck went to buying books on the subject of screenwriting. Syd Field was the first. I started reading shooting scripts shortly after. I was bummed. There's no way I could write this good. Then, I learned the scripts I was reading were not the originals. No. These were the polished scripts. I felt a bit better.
Over the years I must have read over a hundred hit movie scripts. While doing research, I read an order. Read as many scripts as you can get your hands on. Read scripts from movies that have made it big at the box office. Did that! Read scripts that have bombed at the box office. Didn't do that. Why would I want to read a screenplay from a movie that sucked? To learn...
"Anyone can be taught how to write a screenplay". That is the truth! Anyone can. But, not everyone can be taught how to write a good script. Anyone can be taught how to drive. Not everyone can be taught how to drive like Jimmie Johnson. Or throw a football like Dan Marino. Or throw a temper like John McEnroe. Not all screenplays are created equal. But, why not? because, not all screenwriters are created equal. I could spend the rest of my life trying to paint like Picasso. Hell I could probably forge one of his paintings. But, I will never be able to paint my own masterpiece. I just don't have it in me. Just as most people don't have it in them to scribe a good script. Much less a great one.
Anyone can put words to paper, punch a few keys, place an INT. or an EXT. along the left margin. Anyone can describe a scene, a character, a chase scene. But, not everyone can do it well enough to keep the reader reading, and the audience watching. This is one reason why I have decided to start this blog. To learn how to walk and quack like a duck. And maybe along the way. I can teach a person or two how to waddle.
Screenwriting and Perseverance
9 years ago